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Top 2 Money Transfer Providers for USA to France

Provider Amount To Send Fee Exchange Rate Speed
OFX (US) OFX (US) USD $10,000.00 No Fee 0.9506 1-3 days more...
Venstar Venstar USD $10,000.00 No Fee 0.9511 1-3 days more...
FXcompared Country Guides
Being a member of the single currency eurozone, France does not apply currency controls and is completely open to foreign exchange Read More

Below are the best exchange rates for dollar to euro offered on FXcompared from our chosen money transfer companies, to help you make the best choice of provider. USD to EUR Exchange Rates.

Top 2 Money Transfer Providers

Exchange Rates as of 21 January 2025, 17:55


Est. 1998

OFX provides secure and speedy international money transfers to over 300,000 people in 55 currencies at better-than-bank rates.

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Amount Received
EUR €9,506.45
USD $256.42
saved vs. banks


Est. 1990
Established in 1990, Venstar is a worldwide leader in Foreign Exchange Payments and Services.
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FXcompared Rating
Amount Received
EUR €9,511.25
USD $261.42
saved vs. banks

Dollar to Euro Exchange Rate History

The US dollar (USD) is the official currency of the United States and has been in circulation for over 200 years. The USD is the world’s leading international reserve currency. Both the dollar and the euro lead the world’s foreign exchange (forex) trading markets, with the dollar the top-traded currency and the euro the second-most traded currency. Although the euro has seen higher valuations against the dollar since 2002, recently the dollar has gained against the common currency, due in large part to continued weakness in the eurozone and signs of economic recovery in the United States.

In January of 2015, when the European Central Bank (ECB) announced a quantitative easing plan, under which it would purchase €60bn worth of assets each month beginning in March, the dollar rose sharply against the euro. The January dollar to euro (USD to EUR) exchange rate reached a new high for the dollar, €0.88. This is one of the most favorable rates the dollar has had since the euro entered circulation in 2002.

Euro’s Strong Start against the Dollar

Between 1999, when the euro was initially adopted and used in electronic transactions only, and 2002, when the euro officially launched as a hard currency, USD to EUR forex transactions traded in a tight range, almost near parity at some points. However, between 2002 and 2008, the dollar lost 37% of its value against the euro as the European economy surged and, later, the subprime mortgage crisis hit in the US. Forex markets were destabilised and investors lost confidence in the US market, many of whom began heading to the euro instead of the dollar. The dollar’s value against the euro plummeted to its lowest point at the beginning of 2008, when the USD was worth €0.526. Once the 2008 subprime mortgage recession began to spread globally and investors could see that the eurozone would also be heavily affected, the euro’s value began to sink against the dollar, with the dollar-euro conversion rate climbing back up to €0.608.

Global recession fears continued throughout 2009. Although the US had begun to pursue more aggressive policies to combat its weakened economy, in the first quarter of 2009 the ECB increased its prime rate to 1.5%, causing the euro to decline and the dollar to gain value in comparison. However, the ECB made moves to lower the rate later in the year, correctly assessing that investor confidence had been shaken by the drop in rates. With investors also noting an increase in public and private debt in the United States, the dollar once again fell in value against the euro, ending the year with a conversion rate stuck at €0.567.

US Dollar Strengthens Against the Euro

Throughout 2010 and into 2011, the fears of a weakening EU economy and a stronger US market caused the dollar to once again gain against the euro. The dollar’s rise was interrupted by periodic falls against the euro, as the ECB took measures to stabilize the eurozone. By December 2011 the USD to EUR conversion rate has climbed to €0.67.

By 2012, the economic downturn was firmly ingrained in the eurozone, weighed down by a handful of economies that were more prone to rising public debt. Stagnant growth, combined with the looming threat of deflation, further weakened the euro against the dollar. The crisis eased somewhat by the end of 2012, and the euro began to stabilise in response. However, the dollar’s value was still higher than it had been at the same time the previous year, finishing at €0.681.

Since 2013, continued economic weakness in the eurozone, political instability in Ukraine, and the most recent Greek debt crisis have further eroded the euro’s value against the dollar. The American economy, meanwhile, continues to improve. In 2014 economic output began to surge ahead, as consumer confidence increased and the employment rate ticked up. In 2015, the dollar’s value was at an 11-year high against the euro, and most forecasts predict that this rise will continue throughout the year. is an fx money comparison site for international money transfer and to compare rates from currency brokers for sending money abroad. The website and the information provided is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer, solicitation or advice on any financial service or transaction. None of the information presented is intended to form the basis for any investment decision, and no specific recommendations are intended.  FXC Group Ltd and FX Compared Ltd does not provide any guarantees of any data from third parties listed on this website. FX compared Ltd expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any direct or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from (i) any error, omission or inaccuracy in any such information or (ii) any action resulting therefrom.