Tous les articles par Andrea Barnes

Andrea Barnes
Andrea is Communications Manager at FXcompared. Prior to joining FXcompared, she worked as a communications consultant for companies seeking guidance with their social media, marketing and digital… Lire la suite

Google enters European payments market

Google is venturing into the European paytech market and now has a payments licence in Ireland. According to the register at the Central Bank of Ireland, the company has been granted an authorisation to operate in the country’s payments market pursuant to Regulation No. 18 of the European Union Regulations 2018. Reports say that this regulation is under Payments Services Directive 2.
Par Andrea Barnes | | Voir plus dans News

Fintech innovation to be expected in 2019

As more people transfer money internationally on a regular basis, open banking will likely dominate the banking industry sooner than expected, while crypto-based services will also gain ground in the remittance sector. Innovation will be the order of the day, according to analysts as the world moves away from traditional ways of doing banking.
Par Andrea Barnes | | Voir plus dans News

Sigue launches SiguePay

Remittance company Sigue Corporation announced the launch of its mobile app on Thursday, December 13th. SiguePay makes peer-to-peer money transfers possible through mobile phones and tablets, according to the press release and the service is now available in the United States.
Par Andrea Barnes | | Voir plus dans News

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