Todos los artículos de Nigel Frith

Nigel Frith
Nigel Frith
Former Global General Manager
Nigel was the Global General Manager at FXcompared. Nigel has a background in marketing for businesses and consumers as well working in a variety of online financial services roles. Leer más

Transfer Money to Europe

While there’s no doubting the fact that the international money transfers industry has undergone a major boom over the last two decades, there are still some issues that people wanting to make cross-border payments must contend with. Like the issue of whether the money transfer company you’re thinking of will really work for your specific requirements.
Por Nigel Frith | | Ver más en Personal Guides

Revolut to offer automatic payments in Europe

Digital money transfer service Revolut is set to provide automatic payments for users across Europe. The newly expanded service will make it easier for customers to set up recurring payments for things like rent, utilities, phone bills and other monthly expenses.
Por Nigel Frith | | Ver más en News

Stellar and Keybase team up for easier crypto transfers

Digital currency platform Stellar has recently announced a partnership with Keybase that will help consumers make easier, faster cross-border payments. As the backend support provider on the project, Keybase will enable Stellar users to send international money transfers by simply inputting a username instead of long, complicated crypto wallet addresses.
Por Nigel Frith | | Ver más en News

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